June 21, 2009 Bentley Marshall Erhart was born! Tomorrow will be 3 years old!
Dear B,
Has it really been 3 years?? You are such a big boy! When I look into those gorgeous blue eyes you melt mommies heart! You are have the most kind and gentle spirit! You will be the most incredible listener when you grow up. I will never forget the day you arrived. My 10 pounder!! Grandma compared you to the turkey we had made for Easter! What a joy you have brought into our lives. Your energy and love speaks volumes into my life! Your little heart could love around the world and back and your little heart for Jesus makes me realize that even at such a young age you still pick up on things and listen. I love to watch you sleep at night and kiss your little forehead and I pray over you that God may do big things in your life, that he will use you in all the ways he can and that he will protect you against all evil in this world. I pray that you are always strong in what you believe and that you may impact others. Bentley you are such a joy and blessing. Your little toddler belly and chubby little fingers. Watching you grow has been such a precious gift. You are smart, funny, handsome, sweet, gentle, and so loving! You are our little super hero! You have made Halloween Customs well worth the money spent. I think you wear Batman, wolverine, and now hulk at least once a week. "Hold me Mommy" is still music to my ears even though you have to share me with Harper.....you are so gentle and sweet and you have been so good at sharing mommy with your siblings. Sometimes I think you will never run out of energy but then I catch you snoring on the couch out like a light....you go from going going to out cold! Oh Bentley Bop I love you and 3 has come to fast but these 3 years have added more joy and love in our life it could fill the world! Happy Birthday my Bentley Mommy loves you more then I can say!!
Love Mom
Bentley's 3rd Birthday Party at Chuck E. Cheese
My little "Superhero"
Bentley and his bestie Levi
Bentley 1 yr old picture!! ( still lugs that stinky binki around aka little giraffe blankey)
1 and so fun! Bentley and his "binki"h
This is the day after Bentley's 2nd Birthday!
Bentley and his baby sisters Birthday are 1 day apart! Happy Birthday to you both!!
June 22, 2011 my 3rd child but 1st girl Harper Lynn Erhart was born! On Friday she will be 1!
Dear Harper,
Words cannot express how I felt the day I found out about you. A million trillion things I thought that we could do together someday! I have dreamed of you since I was a little girl. Doing your hair, painting your nails, teaching you to put makeup on, and everything else us girls get to do! You are a dream to mommy! When they told me I was going to be blessed with a baby girl I cried tears of pure joy when you entered the world I cried tears of love and when I look at you and think of how fast this year has gone by I cry tears of "slow down already". You are so beautiful! When daddy and I wondered what you would look we talked about a chubby little girl with lots of dark curly hair and brown eyes....you got it all except the brown eyes....you are pure bliss Harper. Mommy loves to hold you and cuddle with you. I love that I am your number one! I am pretty sure you can smell me because you know when I am near and you always fight to find me. Mommies little girl. Since Mommy is such a girly girl I love to dress you to the hilt and do your hair with lots of bows and barrets but I want you to know that someday if you decide you want to play sports and cut your hair short and wear pants and a t-shirt mommy will love you the same! (until then you are girly girl all the way hahaha) I pray God will make you strong and boisterous! You will fight to the end for what you love and believe! I pray god protects you and uses you and all of what he gave you. I pray you will always know who you are and where you come from and what we stand for! I know God has big things for you Harper. It has been so exciting to watch you grow and watch your personality come out! You know how to get what you want with your brothers and your mommy and daddy! You are defiantly the "baby" of the family and you soak it up for all its worth.....to cute for words! Your little chubby thighs are delicious! Three words to describe you...delicious, beautiful, sweet! You are such a little cuddle bug and I hope that never changes! Harper my baby girl I love you so much and I hope you have a happy 1st Birthday! Thanks for making mommies dreams become real and for all the beautiful memories and for the many more to come!
Love Mommy
Happy Birth Day! Here you are!
Riding with Bro Bro~!
Into Auntie's makeup!!
Beach Baby!
Pure Sweetess