Once a ham always a ham |
Life of the party...DUH!! |
My big boy! |
You were almost 4 in this picture and such a little stud! |
Sharing your love now with a brother! |
Funny little guy! |
Sharing more love with a sister! You could not wait to have a sister! |
Last year on your 6th Bday....This feels like yesterday!! Love you! |
OK so this is a really hard thing for me to digest! I have a 7 year old! I am not sure if its a good thing or what but I feel to young to have a 7 year old! So in 7 years my big boy has learned to roll over, crawl, walk, run, jump, ride a bike (with no training wheels), write, color (he is a little artist no joke), read (yes ready!!), and talk me ear off sometimes a little to sassy as well, hug, kiss, throw fits, love, sing, dance, and the list goes on and on and on! What a bright light he has been in our lives! When I was pregnant with Tayten I thought I would never be able to be a mom and I was so scared but the truth is he taught me how to love like I have never loved and being a mom was so natural and easy. (the feeling not always the job) The truth is between Tayten and God they saved me from what could have been a life of self destruction. I had a small being I promised to care and love for! It has not always been easy and I know its not always going to be but wow having God on our team and the center of our lives has surely changed everything! Tayten is truly a masterpiece God created and I am one special Momma that was so blessed with him! He is one stubborn, bull headed, strong willed little boy but I pray that God uses that in his favor! So Tayten someday when you read this I want you to know how much we love you and how much you have taught me! You are my first born and my first of a lot of 1st's! I never knew a love so deep and so strong.....you amaze me in so many ways and watching you grow up into such a big kid has been so incredible! I love to just stare at you and think of you as a little chubby baby and how you've turned into such a handsome little boy. You are soooooooo funny and although I don't always laugh at your butt jokes I will try to find them more funny instead of non acceptable because you are a boy and farts, butts, and poop I guess is the funniest thing in the world but please do not talk about that stuff at school or church or parents will not let you hang out with there kids ....JK its really not that bad! I want you to know that even when I am upset with you and I have to discipline you its really out of love and someday a long long time from now you will understand! It took me 21 years and you to understand that statement my parents always said but better then never! I pray everyday for you and for me to shape you as best as I can that you will grow into exactly what God made you for! You are a joy Tayten and I am so lucky to call you son! As far as bog brother goes you are number 1! Both your sister and your brother look at you like your a rock star! They watch your every move and love you so much! So thanks son for an amazing 7 years and many more to come! Like I always say when you ask me "Mom who so you love most?" And I reply, "I love you all the same, but I have loved you the longest." You love that you little stinker!