Oh Mom!
I was just thinking to myself all the annoying things my Mother used to say to me and now I catch myself saying some of the exact things! I NEVER thought this day would come and its still kinda hard to admit sometimes but I am a little more like her then I ever thought I was! And no this is not a bad thing! I love my Momma and she is great but 15 years ago I would have had another opinion! So here we go with some of my favorite "Mommy sayings" some of these in which I use with my own kids and then I catch myself and think uh oh! Some of these so called sayings have come true....thanks Mom!
1. My Mother to me...."Someday Erica I hope you have a little girl who is just as nasty to you as you are to me." Well this came true except not in girl form but he is my little guy Tayten, strong willed, stubborn as a mule, and man he can be mouthy! (Thanks Mom your wish came true!) lol
2. If you touch that one more time I will cut your fingers off......The few times I have caught myself saying this I have stoped and thought this is really violent. To my surprise however it does not faze the kids in the least...at least they know I really won't cut there little fingers off!
3. ONE, TWO, THREE.....hahaha! I think I do the counting everyday more then once! I am sure this "threatening" count every Mom does!
4. Tayten will say I don't like you I want a different Mommy (no this does not hurt my feelings anymore!) ME :"Well there is the door, don't let it hit you on the way out." By the way he never leaves!
5. Money does not grow on trees! The boys seem to think that every time we have to go to Target (which by the way is often) that they get to pick out a toy or candy so I use this one pretty much every time! And trust me boys I wish I did have a money tree that would be sweet!
6. Where you born in a barn? Take your shoes off at the door! Hahahaha I always use this one! Especially this time of year when the kiddos are always coming in and out from playing!
7. "I would NEVER have talked to my Mom like that." Clearly I did...but he (Tayten) does not need to know this! I now wonder if my mom was full of Bologna too!
8 Wipe that smile off your face or I will wipe it off for you.....Now I have only used this one with my oldest a few times and I have yet to "wipe the smile off his face" what can I say it sounds good while Tayten is being a stinker but it sounds really bad writing it down!
9. "Go ask your Dad!" I hated this one while growing up and I seem to say this all the time!! I am pretty sure it annoys Tayten just as much as it annoyed me!
10. No No "we" don't do that......I realized how often I talk in 3rd person to my littlest ones! I refer to "we" for almost everything!
11. One thing that I LOVE and make a priority in the morning before my big boy heads off to school is we say a quick prayer and then I tell him to be kind to others! My Mom usually did this one (except on the crazy days) she ran a daycare! Lets be honest Mothers we reap what we sew! I pray my children will be strong, loving, and honest and I will raise them that way!
Love and Blessings!
Seriously I would NEVER cut these little fingers off look how sweet they can be!!
Oh my BIG Girl!
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