C:\Users\Erica Erhart\Pictures\Ghouls_Night_Out_.png

Thursday, May 31, 2012

A little of my week!

I am sure everyone can relate to this madness!  Nothing drives this momma more crazy then everyone having like 10 pairs of shoes at the door!  Really???  I often wonder what would happen if there was no drop spot for the shoes and bags.... where would it all end up?  I was thinking of getting like a big basket that way we could shove all the shoes in it....I am sure it would still end up looking the same!  This is a beautiful mess for me to look at (when I am not busy trying to clean it up)!  All the little shoes remind me of my little busy critters who are probably running around outside leaving there shoes here in the "drop spot" because who needs shoes when you have a good pair of feet!  (then they can run inside with dirt, grass and dog poo stuck to the bottoms of their feet....mom loves to clean anyway...right?!!)  Anyway my drop Zone looked like this all weekend because we had an awesome memorial day with my Mom and Brother!  The kids had a blast!

Harper also turned 11 months (a little while back) and I realized how quickly we are approaching the big 1st birthday!  I am going nuts watching her grow up and part of me doesn't want her to get bigger!  Its gone way to fast!!  She is so special to me and having a daughter has been so incredible!  I cry when I think of all the things we will share together as she grows!  I LOVE getting her dolled up and doing her hair!  I know she is not to crazy about it but someday she will LOVE her baby pictures!  lol! 
My little super hero Bentley is also approaching his big milestone of 3!  WHAT?!  REALLY?!  Man to think I thought he would never come out of my womb and now he's turning 3!  Anyway he is so cute, fun loving, sweet, and sensitive!  I call Bentley my little lover because he is always giving hugs and smooches!  My favorite thing is his little toddler voice.....nothing like listening to that sweet little voice! Oh Bentley you are so special and what an adorable little guy!  I love you so much and you should feel very special as the middle child because you sleep in my bed more then anybody else other then Jade and I!  STINKER!  Anyway we are planning a little party for this guy!  Yucky Cheese...I mean Chucky Cheese here we come!

Yes this is Tayten being a hot shot as usual....very cute in my black wedges!  He is nearing the end of kindergarten with only like 3 more days of school left!  This year cruised on by!  I will be challenging to have him home all summer because this child of mine likes to go go go all the time!  Other wise he is "bored".....I hear this all weekend!  We will be at the outside with the pool or sprinkler set up and he will come over to me and say Mom I am so bored!  Anyway it takes a team to entertain this one!  Tayten is excited for summer and I am praying it will all go smoothly having 3 home again all day!  Tayten is my silly, "life of the party" kinda character.  He is always making us laugh and he LOVES the spotlight! (as you can see by the picture)

I also got to enjoy getting this beautiful bride ready on her big day!  She looked beautiful!  Ariana Oliver was a beautiful canvas for me to do some of my hair and makeup magic!  So fun!  It was just another reminder for me of how much I love what I do!  Especially when you have such amazing people to share your talents with!  Making people feel and look beautiful is what I get to do for a living!  How sweet of a job is that!  I also get to share those magic moments with them and big milestones!  Like 1st haircuts, prom, wedding days and so much more!  That sums up some weekley milestones!  More to come!  LOVE and Blessings!!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Birthday City Central!

So I have about one week until over load for Birthdays!  Jade will be turning 31 June 7th, Bentley will turn 3 June 21, Harper will turn 1 June 22, and Tayten will turn 7 July 10th!  MAN this is a mouth full and a pocket book on empty let me tell you!  I am trying to make it special for everyone without having to run to the bank to take out a small loan!  Not to mention the fact we will be going to Minot, ND the same weekend of there birthdays for my High School reunion....BUSY BUSY!  I had my smart, beautiful, and talented sister make me up some invites!  Take a peek!  I have yet to decide what Tayten will do or what I will plan for my hubby!  I believe even at 31 you should still get a birthday party!!!  Love and Blessings!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

10 years....already?!!!

I cannot believe I will have having my 10 year class reunion this June?!  WHAT has it really been 10yrs?  What the hay??!!  Never in my life would I have thought that this day would ever come.  I guess you can't stay 25 forever.  SHOOT!  I was really hoping you could but I guess I will have to grow old with the rest of us!  I am sure some people are really indifferent about going to there 10 year class reunion but I happen to be really excited!  Why not? This just means I have 10 years under my belt of more life knowledge!  This also reminds me of my many many blessings God has given me in the past 10 years.  So I was kinda reminiscing about my high school days and I was thinking of all the dreams I had then.  I remember I wanted to move as far away as possible from Minot, ND which lead me here to the Twin Cities. (haha didn't make it to far did ya!)  I thought I was some big bird that could just soar right outta Mamma's nest and everything would be easy and smooth sailing...life would be perfect.  I dreamed of becoming a famous actress or model or simply just traveling around from beach to beach and learning how to surf!  (Big Dreams I know)  I think back to my 1st year of college and how I really was only going to Brown because college just seemed to be the next step and it got me out of Minot and into a bigger city!  I rarely made it to class and when I did I rarely paid attention.  I was concerned of me, myself, and I and what was coming next.  Well to skip ahead a bit I ended up finding out I was pregnant with Tayten right before I was going to pack up my car and drive to California to see if my dreams could become a reality.  I really have to laugh at myself when I think about my so called "Big Ideas" because I was just going to go with the money I had in my pocket and bring whatever I could fit in my car and I had no fear at all just a great idea!  God put my plans to a screeching halt when the + mark showed up on the pregnancy test!  I never would have thought that would have been God at that time because I was on my own path doing my own thing and I didn't want to follow anyone or anything but myself.  In that moment I realized my life was about to change in a big big way.  To even think back to then 7 years ago I was so scared and young and scared....did I mention scared?  Jade and I decided we wanted to get married because we knew we loved each other baby or no baby.  After Tayten was born we decided to continue to do everything backwards so we bought or 1st home and 1 month later we got married.  Shortly after that I decided to get my butt into cosmetology school since that was always my passion from a very young age.  Then came my career (about time) and after all that we decided it was time to continue growing our family!  Bentley my little love bug!  I was so in love with my boys I wanted to share more love with a little girl!  Harper then graced us with her presence.  The bottom line is 10 years ago I would have never seen this life!  What a great life! (it has not always been easy and I know it won't)  God has surprised me with glorious wonders!! Three of them to be exact!  They seem to be teaching me more then I ever learned in all of my schooling!  I put my trust in God to guide me and my children through this crazy thing called life!  I guess it took me many many years to learn that!  Anyway I may not be walking the red carpet or making millions of dollars and I definitely no longer have those 6 pack abs but gosh darn it I am proud!  I've got all I need!  God, amazing family and friends, a job that feels more like a hobby then work and I have a roof over my head and food on the table!  Best of all I know that there is more in store for us!  God has some big plans!!!  10 years of ups and downs loss and love, 10 years of going on empty to full, 10 years of blessings and achievements!  10 years gone to remember!  For the next 10 I will do and go where he needs me!  Love and Blessings!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Momma Day!!

I LOVE Mother's day!  Of course because I am a Mother but also I have a Mother who has a Mother and so on and so forth!  What a great time to celebrate Womanhood!!!  Even if you don't have a child I know you defiantly have a Mother!  So the good news is that we all can celebrate this beautiful thing God has given to us as woman!  There is nothing better then your kids consciously treating you as great as they can (sometimes with reminders that it is Mother's Day) one time a year!  I think it should be Mother's Day everyday!  Or at least once a week!  I bet there are more who would agree!  I know when I was a kid I always tried to be as nice as I could all day and you know the priceless home made card and gift!  PRICELESS!  I also LOVE the not so priceless gifts that I have received from my kiddos!  Massages, jewelry, clothes, books, flowers, and cards are just some of the few over the years!  I never knew my kids made so much money.....hahaha!  Lucky for me my hubby always covers for them even though he throws in some sly comments like "well your not my mom"....watch it bud!  Anyway how great is this day??!!  I have a lot to be thankful for on Mother's Day for all my Mother influences!  I have an amazing Mother, Grandmother, and Mommy friends!  So today enjoy yourself your kids, moms, or friends...celebrate what woman are all about!!  Love and Blessings and most importantly Happy Mother's Day!!!!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

"Worst Mom Ever" Moments

So this weekend was a weekend of firsts for Miss Harper Lynn!  Other then trying some real human food (as if baby food isn't human food) she also took a spill down our stairs.  It was defiantly a "worst mom ever" moment.  I brought Harper downstairs with me to switch out some laundry so I set her by some toys and figured she would be fine for a few minutes.  I then decided I just had to upload a few pictures onto my blog from the computer.  I think 3 minutes had gone by and I was totally zoned in on the computer when I hear  KER PLUNK KER PLUNK KER PLUNK.  As I turn my head I see my precious little pumpkin doing a back flip with her little legs vertical in the air and the look of fear on her face then she hit the bottom.  My heart started racing as I ran to grab her.  The good news is she didn't fall from the top to the bottom, she climbed up about 5 stairs then fell.  I never even knew she could climb up stairs!  I guess that made for another 1st!  Seriously though Erica, the computer.....really...OK so it was a lesson learnt that computer stuff can only happen at nap time!  Never have I ever felt so bad!  So the 1st thing I did was get her into the bath so I could examine if she had any bruises or broken bones then I proceeded to call my mom!  I asked her if any of us (my siblings) had ever taken a spill down the stairs and she said we all three did.  So at least I can say Harper is the very 1st of my three to ever fall down the stairs!  Anyway she is fine!  I made Jade take her to the doctor anyway even though he thought I was a crazy person because she was acting normal and looked fine.  Well if anything it made me feel better!  I figure we have already hit our insurance deductible for the year anyway so we may as well get our moneys worth!  I'll never forget another "worst mom ever" moment when Tayten was about a year old.  We were at a pancake breakfast at Applebee's for a friends benefit.  I had worked there at the time and I was so excited to show off my little man to all my customers and co-workers.  I really wanted to get him smiling and giggling so I decided to toss him up and catch him!  I mean who doesn't love to do the little throw in the air and catch...babies LOVE that!  Well little did I know that I was standing directly under a TV.  I found that out real quick as he hit the bottom of the TV thingy.  I seriously thought I caused brain damage right away!  I started crying with him!  Anyway other then totally embarrassing myself Tayten had a little bump on his head and some major tears for a little bit then he went on with his day playing and smiling!  Well the good news is I am not a total failure!  I do do some things right!  But the best news of all is kids are made out of Mattel!  Someone told me that once and now I find it true!  If I was to fall down the stairs like Harper did I would be a hurting unit for days same with if someone threw me at a TV!  I am sure we all have "worst mom ever" moments  but they make for good lessons and great stories!  Love and Blessings!
PS.  Yes Harper is napping while I write this!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

10 Things...actually 20!

My Three Beautiful Blessings!

10 Mommy Truths

1.  Holy Cow diapers are spendy!  I used to buy a pair of shoes for that price!
2.  "I gotta go"  no longer means I am leaving!  It means get this child to the bathroom before we have a mess!
3.  Going anywhere with 3 kids takes FOREVER!  If I need to be somewhere by 9 I need to get moving at 7! 
4.  NEVER forget a spare outfit in the diaper bag.  When you do that's when baby decides to have an up the backer. (for those of you with no kids an up the backer means poop shooting up the back out of the diaper and all over the onesie and usually on your shirt or pants!)
5.  The dried stuff on the wall by your child's bed is not artwork its boogers...GROSS!  I can't believe Tayten wipes his nasty boogers on the wall seriously kid get a Kleenex!
6.  My boys will think you are the funniest person alive if you fart or talk about anything to do with the potty, butts, or farts....Bonus points if its at the dinner table...I know right?!
7.  Sleep....whats sleep and who needs it?!
8.  King size beds are to small for a family of 5.
9.  Vans are super cool!  Who would have ever thought!
10.  The love in your heart is a whole nother level!
10 Pregnancy truths
(sorry if some of them are gross but they are true)

1.  9 months is a lie!  40 weeks (and counting for some) do the math!
2.  Glowing...not this girl!  I look like a zitty face teenager with swollen cheeks!
3.  Average weight gain 25-35 pounds......well I gained 60lbs with Tayten 75lbs with Bentley (yes I said it 75 big ones!  That's like a 7th grader) and 60lbs with Harper....I know its my own fault but cut me a little slack I LOVE to eat while I'm preggers!
4.  Peeing on command...you tell me when and where and I will do it!  Its never ending!
5.  Your no longer shy or embarrassed about a pap smear because that's nothing after 40 weeks of Dr. appointments!
6.  snail trail is not the little thing you put in your fish tank its something else and for those of you who have been preggers you know what a snail trail is!  Need I say more.
7.  I now feel bad for people who get heartburn...it stinks!
8.  hamburger bun (little girl)  turtle head (little boy) clever way of telling the sex during an ultrasound
9.  little kicks turn to jabs...but there is nothing like it!
10.  The love you feel immediately when you know your expecting, its instant!

I hope this is not to gross for all of you but I thought it was so true!  Anyway hopefully it made someones day!  Love and blessings!

 This is Pregnancy #1!  Oh Tayten you are so special to me!  Almost 7 years ago this was me!!
This is the day I had Bentley 1 day shy of 40 weeks!  I started this pregnancy at 125lbs and I weighed in at 200lbs!
Glowing is not the case for me... huge and uncomfortable very true!  My little 10 pound 2 oz Bentley...he was worth every pound!
Preggers with Harper in this picture...I still had about 4 weeks to go at this point!  I felt more comfortable with her then my boys I think she was up a little higher!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Luck...no such thing!

Mr. Bentley (my little 2...almost 3yr. old) had tubes put in his ears and his adenoids removed just shortly after Christmas.  The procedure went really well and it was quick and easy!  Of course I cried when I took him down to the surgery room and got him all ready for anthesia.  I held his little chubby toddler fingers as he went off to toddler dreamland.  After what felt like days but in reality it was an hour approximately it was all over with.  I was relieved it was over and happy my baby was ok!  After a few hours of being at the hospital it was time to get our stuff and head home.  It was a simple same day surgery and I was happy too be done.  As we walked down children's hospital I saw a little guy who looked maybe 4yrs. old, he had no hair, iv's in his arm with a drip bag on a medal roller.  As he walked past us I put my head down and I cried.  What a brave little guy!  I had this overwhelming sense of sadness and felt like man this just is not fair!  He is to little to be going through this.  He is to young to have cancer.  This was a HUGE moment for me in more ways then one.  It really put things in perspective for me how incredibly lucky I am to have three, beautiful, healthy, and amazing kiddos.  What if that was my son, what if Bentley was having chimo instead if tubes??  Well this is a real reality to some parents.  Another revelation I had was my kids are not my kids...they belong to God.  He has a path layed out for each one of them and I have no control over what that path may entail.  I can only love them unconditionally and teach them all the great things I know!  I have to fully put my trust in God, that is the only way I do it and the only way I know how to understand the harder things that happen.  But how lucky am I that God has chosen me to be a Mother!  Seriously what an awesome and crazy ride!  I never knew I could love so much. Anyway I was feeling like sharing this today!  I had brought it up earlier while talking with some friends and thought I am going to blog about this!  I know God has a tribe of Angels at Children's Hospital!  I pray for God to wrap his arms around all the little people of the world that are hurting and also pray for peace for the parents and the ability to trust our Father in heaven even though it may seem difficult.

Love and Blessings

PS.  As for Bee Bops post surgery he has been free of ear infections and sick a lot less!  The surgery has been the best thing for him!