C:\Users\Erica Erhart\Pictures\Ghouls_Night_Out_.png

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

"Worst Mom Ever" Moments

So this weekend was a weekend of firsts for Miss Harper Lynn!  Other then trying some real human food (as if baby food isn't human food) she also took a spill down our stairs.  It was defiantly a "worst mom ever" moment.  I brought Harper downstairs with me to switch out some laundry so I set her by some toys and figured she would be fine for a few minutes.  I then decided I just had to upload a few pictures onto my blog from the computer.  I think 3 minutes had gone by and I was totally zoned in on the computer when I hear  KER PLUNK KER PLUNK KER PLUNK.  As I turn my head I see my precious little pumpkin doing a back flip with her little legs vertical in the air and the look of fear on her face then she hit the bottom.  My heart started racing as I ran to grab her.  The good news is she didn't fall from the top to the bottom, she climbed up about 5 stairs then fell.  I never even knew she could climb up stairs!  I guess that made for another 1st!  Seriously though Erica, the computer.....really...OK so it was a lesson learnt that computer stuff can only happen at nap time!  Never have I ever felt so bad!  So the 1st thing I did was get her into the bath so I could examine if she had any bruises or broken bones then I proceeded to call my mom!  I asked her if any of us (my siblings) had ever taken a spill down the stairs and she said we all three did.  So at least I can say Harper is the very 1st of my three to ever fall down the stairs!  Anyway she is fine!  I made Jade take her to the doctor anyway even though he thought I was a crazy person because she was acting normal and looked fine.  Well if anything it made me feel better!  I figure we have already hit our insurance deductible for the year anyway so we may as well get our moneys worth!  I'll never forget another "worst mom ever" moment when Tayten was about a year old.  We were at a pancake breakfast at Applebee's for a friends benefit.  I had worked there at the time and I was so excited to show off my little man to all my customers and co-workers.  I really wanted to get him smiling and giggling so I decided to toss him up and catch him!  I mean who doesn't love to do the little throw in the air and catch...babies LOVE that!  Well little did I know that I was standing directly under a TV.  I found that out real quick as he hit the bottom of the TV thingy.  I seriously thought I caused brain damage right away!  I started crying with him!  Anyway other then totally embarrassing myself Tayten had a little bump on his head and some major tears for a little bit then he went on with his day playing and smiling!  Well the good news is I am not a total failure!  I do do some things right!  But the best news of all is kids are made out of Mattel!  Someone told me that once and now I find it true!  If I was to fall down the stairs like Harper did I would be a hurting unit for days same with if someone threw me at a TV!  I am sure we all have "worst mom ever" moments  but they make for good lessons and great stories!  Love and Blessings!
PS.  Yes Harper is napping while I write this!


  1. Awwww... i didnt know you had a blog!!! very cute!!!

  2. HaHA. You crack me up. Thanks for a good laugh. :)
