C:\Users\Erica Erhart\Pictures\Ghouls_Night_Out_.png

Sunday, April 29, 2012

"Good Love"

So this weekend was a big one in the Erhart household!  Jade and I had a marriage conference called "Good Love"  and it was going to be our very 1st night away from the kiddos in over a year!  If you do the math that means the very 1st night away from my little princess presto Harper!  As those of you who are mothers I am sure you know this very feeling of guilt, sadness, and regret.  I feel as if I need to explain and elaborate on these 3 feelings!

1.  Guilt-  as you drive away you get this sense of why am I leaving them?  I am there Mother?!   I don't deserve time away!  What if I miss something special??  What if something happens while I am gone?  (these are a few of my "guilt" thoughts)
2.  Sadness-  you miss them so much it makes you sad and sometimes even makes you cry!  After all we did carry these children of ours in our womb for 40 weeks (10 months if you do the math) and birth them into this scary world (sad but true) so anyway in that we get sad when we have time away even though its healthy and to be honest feels really good!  Which is an oxymorone!
3.  Regret-as the night carries on and you start to enjoy yourself you suddenly start to ask yourself the questions "what if"  what if Harper wakes up in the middle of the night and needs me?  What if someone breaks in and steals them (this one makes me laugh cause its such a crazy thought)  you feel this sense of regret that you left them and you want to go home!

I am sure all of you can relate to at least one of these feeling when it comes to our children and leaving them whether its one hour or 2 weeks! That being said Jade and I had won a free hotel stay for Friday night after the conference at the Westin!  This hotel just so happens to be a few blocks from our house!  Coincidentally Danielle (my sister) didn't work all weekend so she was planning on helping us with the kids anyway.  When Danielle and some of my good friends caught wind that we had won the stay at the Westin they all told us the same thing!  Enjoy the night just the two of you, you deserve it!  Anyway I knew this would be tough on me because its hard for me to leave Harper for an hour let alone all night!  But Danielle insisted she would take care of it and everything would be fine and since I trust her completely we decided to take advatage!  So we did just that!  Our "Good Love" conference was awesome Friday night and then off to some "us" time we went!   As we sat there talking we ended  up getting into a tiff!  Seriously the one night together just the two of us and this is how we are going to use it!!!!!  Not to mention we were just at a marriage conference that was amazing!  We left the restaurant we were at and had a silent walk back to the room.  All I was thinking was great we don't even have the kids here to distract us so we can avoid each other!  Anyway we both looked at each other and decided this is stupid lets just enjoy our night together and not fight over a checking account!  Yes a checking account almost ruined our special time together!  Well with all that being said I learned a lot this weekend and it was great to get some one on one time with the hubster!  I think in the season of life we are in its so easy to get wrapped up in everything else and forget about each other!  Well it was a close call to a waste of a night away but we both swallowed our pride and moved on!  The best news of all ....Danielle survived with the kids!  Harper slept 12 hours straight through the night and the boys slept with  Auntie in our king size bed!  We all had a great weekend!  A great take away point is that love is not a feeling its a choice!  I choose love!

Love and Blessings!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

.: "Bask in the sun"

.: "Bask in the sun": This was last summer "basking" WOW I must 1st start off by saying what amazing weather its been the last few days!  I currently have r...

"Bask in the sun"

This was last summer "basking"

WOW I must 1st start off by saying what amazing weather its been the last few days!  I currently have red beaming legs instead of white ones!  While the babes where napping yesterday I knew I really needed to clean my house (it was needing some desperate attention) but it was so beautiful out that all I really wanted to do was go sit out on my pink chair and bask in the sun! Of course I battled with myself for about 2 seconds then I decided it was more important to get my tan on outside in peace!  I grabbed my ipod, bible, devotions, notebook, pen, water, and some M&Ms and I just enjoyed myself for a good almost 2 hours!  I realized today what a great day I had yesterday!  Seriously that 2 hours made me a better mom and wife!  I think as women we tend to forget that we need time to.  Life gets so crazy busy that all we can think about in the little bit of free time we have are things that are really not for ourselves like cleaning, bills, laundry, and getting the house in order.  Yes, I agree that these things are so important and they feel great to get done but WOW is it incredible to have some "me time" outside basking in the sun!  Anyway I guess sometimes its just great to remind myself to just let the house go sometimes and give myself a little time to!  Just thought I would remind all the ladies out there whether your a Mommy, wife, daughter, Grandma, sister, or friend that don't forget to "bask in the sun" every now and then, simply because its important to remember "you" and it feels incredible  when you are done!  This blog is just short and sweet today but a question to ask yourself today is what would you do with a spare 2 hours?  You can't pick anything that goes with the routine of life. (bills, cleaning, laundry)  Take 2 hours and do it!  I kinda feel like a motivational speaker now hahahaha!  Love and Blessings!

Monday, April 23, 2012

.: Don't cry over spilt juice.....yes I will!

.: Don't cry over spilt juice.....yes I will!:   Bentley is a cool dude with his shades on!  Oh I LOVE me some sunshine! Oh what a morning here at the Erhart household!  Tayten and ...

Don't cry over spilt juice.....yes I will!

 Bentley is a cool dude with his shades on!  Oh I LOVE me some sunshine!

Oh what a morning here at the Erhart household!  Tayten and I are the 1st ones to get up. (besides Jade who is off to work by 5:30 am) We are off to a great start to our morning routine!  Tayten got dressed and ate his breakfast and in the mean time Mr. Bentley Bop got up (we call him Bee Bop shawda wada) and don't ask?  I think we got it from the Grease movie when they sing the song, "We go Together" anyway I made some juice out of the frozen can... strawberry apple banana juice yummy right?!  In your mouth not on my floor!  Tayten decided it would be a great idea to try and reach the juice out of the top of the refrigerator and it was full to the brim and heavy, but you know 6 year olds...they can lift anything and do anything!  They are big kids now!  Well juice spilt EVERYWHERE!  He looked at me waiting for my reaction and I really wanted to scream!  I hate sticky messes!  But I didn't scream I made him get a paper towel and clean himself up and then wipe off the floor and then of course I lectured him about asking for help.  He felt bad and so did I so I had a little talk with him and explained to him I wasn't mad but next time just ask for help. We hugged and I gave him a kiss, told him to be kind to others, and a quick prayer for a great day and off to the bus he went.  Within 20 minutes of Tayten leaving for school Bentley decided to sneak  his cup of juice from breakfast onto the little table in the living room and I am sure you can just about guess what happens?  Well Harper made her way to the table and as I sat there chit chatting with my sister I heard a splash on the floor and watched the little blue cup fall.  I closed my eyes and said out loud NO NO that didn't just happen and I walked away and ran Harper some water for her bath since she was covered in sticky juice.  I seriously thought for a minute maybe if I walk away it will just disappear off my floor??  Well thanks to my lovely sister it did but in most cases it doesn't just "disappear".  Then I took a minute and thought to myself Erica its juice not the end of the world get over it and move on!  A little pep talk is all it took (don't you love giving yourself your own pep talk when your having a pitty party) then I jumped back on the good mood train!  I was looking forward to a nice 3 mile run since I had gotten Harper down for a nap and my sister didn't have to work until 11:45 so I got ready to run!  I told Bentley he could come with mommy for a run since we have a single jogging stroller. ( we need a double!) I had asked my lovely husband to put air in the tires and get it ready sometime last week.  So we got outside and I go to get the stroller and turns out Jade forgot about it.  Now Bentley is having a melt down and I am "crying over spilt juice" because of the morning I had and now I can't even enjoy my run! (poor me right!?)  Anyway I called the hubster and complained (poor guy as if he can do anything about it at work) it just feels good sometimes to complain and tell him he forgot to do something....Yes, I am working on trying not to do that I know its not nice!  I decided to take the Bee Bop on a bike ride instead.  So I didn't burn as many calories as I needed and wanted but at least we got a little exercise and more importantly some one on one time!  We even picked some lilacs to bring home and put in the vase (is that legal when your at a park?!)  The moral of my morning is sometimes you just need to cry over spilt juice and get over it with some fresh air and flowers!  Anyway its a beautiful day so enjoy it!  My home will remain a mess today while I enjoy being outside with my babes!  Love and Blessings!!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

.: "Sunday Scramble"

.: "Sunday Scramble":    Emma and Bentley!  Those tires will never go flat!  lol So this morning (Sunday) (just in case I post this on Monday) Jade, I, and t...

"Sunday Scramble"

   Emma and Bentley!  Those tires will never go flat!  lol

So this morning (Sunday) (just in case I post this on Monday) Jade, I, and the kiddos where off too church!  Early service starts at 9:00 and trust me are family of 5 NEVER makes early service!  We have been to it 2 times in the last 3 years!  Well needless to say we were scrambling to get in the van by 8:45...Jade and and Danielle where loading up the kiddos while I was still attempting to throw my wet hair in a braid and brush my teeth (yes I have run out the door in such a hurry on Sunday I have forgotten to brush my teeth...I know gross right?!)  Anyway finally we were all loaded in and on our way!  I am not trying to get off track of the subject but I have to interject for just a minute....why is it that everyday of the week we are up and adam and ready before the butt crack of dawn but on Sunday mornings we cannot get out the door even when its the 2nd service which doesn't even start until 11:00!  It is probably a riot to watch us trying to get out the door in the morning!  A series of events usually takes place! It starts off with Bentley our 2 year old crying because he hates what we made him wear (its not his typical sweat pants and random, un-matching tee shirt) and then Miss Harper is usually crying hysterically because its well past her usual morning nap. Finally there is Mr. Tayten who is still trying to memorize his verse on the morning of!  I always tell him we should really work on doing this days before Tayten not the morning of Sunday School.  Then there is me...I swear I go to church with a wet head 8 out of 10 times in a braid of course to hide the fact I had no time to do anything with it and I am always brushing my teeth while Jade is waiting patiently in the van an extra 15 minutes for me!  Thank the Lord for my husband!  As much as he drives me bananas sometimes WOW he is an incredible man most the time!  Okay anyway so we are in the car driving on 35W and all of a sudden I felt the wheel pop!  Seriously on the one Sunday we are almost making early service!  As we pulled over and I glanced at the clock I realized there was no chance of 1st service!  Not today Erhart's... nice try however!  We had never had this happen before in our van so Jade had no clue what he was doing and he had no idea where the spare tire was even located.  After an hour of "changing the tire" it was finally on!  Seriously an hour!  Not to mention the fact that Jade had the jack holding up the van as he lay underneath trying to twist the spare tire out and seconds after he sat up the jack collapsed!  That just confirmed my idea of just calling someone to do it!  Jade is the typical "do it yourself" kinda guy but I would have been one angry wife IF that jack would have given out 2 seconds earlier...but it didn't and we got the spare on the van!  By the time we got to church it had already felt like a "long day" but we made it and the enemy almost won that battle but he didn't!  Growing up I always remember the "Sunday scramble"!  I wonder if other families go through this exact routine on Sunday mornings or is this just my crazy family?!  Well either way it makes it all more memorable!  Love and Blessings!

Oh Mom!

Oh Mom!


  I was just thinking to myself all the annoying things my Mother used to say to me and now I catch myself saying some of the exact things!  I NEVER thought this day would come and its still kinda hard to admit sometimes but I am a little more like her then I ever thought I was!  And no this is not a bad thing!  I love my Momma and she is great but 15 years ago I would have had another opinion!  So here we go with some of my favorite "Mommy sayings"  some of these in which I use with my own kids and then I catch myself and think uh oh!  Some of these so called sayings have come true....thanks Mom!

1.  My Mother to me...."Someday Erica I hope you have a little girl who is just as nasty to you as you are to me."  Well this came true except not in girl form but he is my little guy Tayten, strong willed, stubborn as a mule, and man he can be mouthy!  (Thanks Mom your wish came true!)  lol

2.  If you touch that one more time I will cut your fingers off......The few times I have caught myself saying this I have stoped and thought this is really violent.  To my surprise however it does not faze the kids in the least...at least they know I really won't cut there little fingers off!

3.  ONE, TWO, THREE.....hahaha!  I think I do the counting everyday more then once!  I am sure this "threatening" count every Mom does!

4.  Tayten will say I don't like you I want a different Mommy (no this does not hurt my feelings anymore!)  ME :"Well there is the door, don't let it hit you on the way out."  By the way he never leaves!

5.  Money does not grow on trees!  The boys seem to think that every time we have to go to Target (which by the way is often) that they get to pick out a toy or candy so I use this one pretty much every time!  And trust me boys I wish I did have a money tree that would be sweet!

6.  Where you born in a barn?  Take your shoes off at the door!  Hahahaha I always use this one!  Especially this time of year when the kiddos are always coming in and out from playing!

7.  "I would NEVER have talked to my Mom like that."  Clearly I did...but he (Tayten) does not need to know this!  I now wonder if my mom was full of Bologna too!

8  Wipe that smile off your face or I will wipe it off for you.....Now I have only used this one with my oldest a few times and I have yet to "wipe the smile off his face"  what can I say it sounds good while Tayten is being a stinker but it sounds really bad writing it down!

9.  "Go ask your Dad!"  I hated this one while growing up and I seem to say this all the time!!  I am pretty sure it annoys Tayten just as much as it annoyed me!

10.  No No "we" don't do that......I realized how often I talk in 3rd person to my littlest ones!  I refer to "we" for almost everything!

11.  One thing that I LOVE and make a priority in the morning before my big boy heads off to school is we say a quick prayer and then I tell him to be kind to others!  My Mom usually did this one (except on the crazy days) she ran a daycare!  Lets be honest  Mothers we reap what we sew!  I pray my children will be strong, loving, and honest and I will raise them that way!

Love and Blessings!

Seriously I would NEVER cut these little fingers off look how sweet they can be!!

                                                                  Oh my BIG Girl! 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Nothing like my Daddy...Nothing like Grandpa!


So yesterday I got a call from Dad saying he was going to be flying in for a quick visit!  This made my day!  Dad didn't get to come for Easter this year because of work...duty calls!  Anyway this morning I was watching my kids with him and I got that overwhelming sense of WOW my Dad is amazing!  Not only was he a great Father to me growing up but man there is something incredible watching your Dad be a Grandpa and for my kids I guess its "Papa"!  I know some friends and family who have lost there Dad and or Grandpa's so I just wanted to express my gratitude to my Dad and for all the Grandpa's out there here on earth or with our Father in heaven!  It is so hilarious watching him get down on the floor and get right in on whatever is going on in kid land!  He kinda acts like a kid again!  He is fun... you know the kinda hands on Grandpa.  He would rather be right in on the action then watching it on the coach!  I LOVE this. The only strange thing is that some of the things he lets them get away with!  He would have NEVER let me do some of the things or buy me all the things I wanted but I guess there is something special about "grand kids."  Its totally hands down awesome seeing his eyes light up with the kids!  I am sure a lot of you will read this and say to yourself that's my Dad, Grandpa, husband, and/or son!  Well feeling blessed!  Thanks to all the "Grandpa's" for making your grand kids, moms, wives, and especially daughters light up! 

My kids have two AMAZING Grandpa's and one Great Grandpa and to my Grandpa Mel with my Father in heaven I am sure you are looking down on us smiling at all your beautiful great grand kids!!!   Here are some "Papa" and Grandpa pics!

This one is for Great Grandpa Mel!  

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


We rarley take a "normal" photo

Well Hello Wednesday!  1st off I LOVE Wednesday!  Today I get to look forward to my kids :) and my good friends twins Nick and Emma!  This makes my day!  I LOVE watching toddlers play!  It seriously makes it easier with more because they can entertain one another......no I am not a crazy person I honestly think its easier!  Anyway last night after doing some hair at the salon I thought I need to go see what my sister is up too?  For those of you who don't already know my sister Danielle often referred to as "seester, D, or Auntie," in my household just moved into our lovely home here in MN.  She has been such a blessing (in more ways then 1) to have here and watching her with the kids makes my day!  I feel like a 13 year old girl when I am with her.  We are so goofy and we do super dorky things with one another.  Whether its doing arts and crafts, cooking, watching our terrible t.v. shows together, talking in fun and new accents, playing just dance on the wii, guitar hero, and wheel of fortune we always are giggling like 2 school girls!  Never a dull moment!  Jade (hubster) probably just rolls his eyes and thinks to himself...How long is she going to be living here Erica?!  JK he loves her just as much as I do even if he doesn't say it!  Anyway I look at her and think what an amazing person in my life...someone who loves my kids just as much as me and who knows me inside and out, my weaknesses, my strengths.  She sometimes can just look at me and instantly know what I am thinking inside my head...she could maybe even finish my sentences!  Anyway I think that I am so lucky to be blessed with a sister who I am so close to and hold so dear to my heart!  I also have friends who I consider like sisters!  As women its so nice to have these "sisters" even if its not biological!  However in God's eyes we are all brothers and sisters!  There are just some things that are easier to talk to  your ladies about!  I had some friends over  yesterday for coffee and in just the last year I have known them our friendship in my eyes has turned into sisterhood!  They speak light into my life and give me the advice and support and friendship a real sister would!  God is a funny fella I tell ya! I prayed and prayed for him to put some good strong "sisters" in my life and guess what happened about a year after my prayers.....I meet amazing woman and am continuing to meet more and more!  Then my sister decided to move here from Bozeman, MT!  Not only just moving to MN but living with us in our beautiful chaos!  I now look back and realize that it was on God's time to put these things in order and WOW did he answer my prayers........in bulk even!  I was just feeling really blessed with my "sisters" and wanted to write about it! Thanks friends! Blessings!  XOXO!

Here are some more of my "Sisters"

And I know he is not a "sister"  but he is my husband and my Best Friend!
I unfortunaly don't have pictures of all my "sisters" especially since the kiddos take all my camera time!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A day in the Life with the Erhart's: Top 10 Mommy Lessons

A day in the Life with the Erhart's: Top 10 Mommy Lessons: These are valuable and hilarious things I have learned through my incredible journey as a Mommy and wife!  I will go from least to greatest!...

Top 10 Mommy Lessons

These are valuable and hilarious things I have learned through my incredible journey as a Mommy and wife!  I will go from least to greatest!

10.  ALWAYS check the diaper bag to make sure there are wipes and diapers!
I recently went to eat with my mom, sister, and Harper at the cheesecake Factory (delicious) and about two minutes after we ordered our drinks (still looking at the menu for lunch)  Harper decided that it was a great time to poopy!  I go to change her only to find out there are currently no diapers in the diaper bag and the wipes are out too!  Mommy of the year award goes to this girl!  Needless to say she sat in poop for a good hour while we ate and although you may feel bad for her its not necessary because she didn't mind at all!  In fact she hates her diaper changed!

9.  ALWAYS put the chairs back on the floor after mopping!
Poor Harper (yes Harper again) decided she wanted to pull herself up with the flipped chair hanging on the table.  It fell on top of her :(  However she survived with only a bruise on her little forehead. Once again mother of the year!

8.  NEVER let your freshly potty trained 2 year old poopy in the potty unattended!
You should have seen the bathroom!  The walls, floor, potty, and his body!  Need I say more!

7.  NEVER take out your frustration on your kids toys!
If you do so you will only out of guilt run to Target to get the toy you just broke or in my case popped!  While I was 6 months preggers with Bentley, Tayten decided he was going to keep throwing his big ball at my head while I was in the midst of doing something.  I told him to please stop and if you all know Tayten that means to continue on what not to do!  Finally I said if you throw that ball at me one more time I will pop it!  Of course my sweet little stubborn, strong willed Tayten decided to test my limits thinking to himself....she will never pop my ball.  Well what I did next will forever stay embedded in my mind for the top hormonal moment I have ever encountered!  I ran to the kitchen grabbed a scissor and stabbed it into the ball!  POP!  He looked at me with those big, bright eyes and the tears began to flow.  Two minutes following the scissor shanagins I was off to Target to purchase the exact ball I had just stabbed!  Guilt had won the battle!

6.  ALWAYS ALWAYS keep the house keys with you at all times!
Bentley, Harper, and I where out running errands on a rainy fall day while Tayten was in school.  We had just gotten home and Harper had fallen asleep in the van so I decided to unload the bags and Bentley before I grabbed Harper.  I ran inside with Bentley and the diaper bag set them both down and just as I stepped out the door I heard the door slam and the lock click.  I then realized not only was my 2 year old now locked in the house but also my phone and keys where in the diaper bag which where also locked in!  I'm sure your all thinking oh well Erica what about a spare key?  Well days prior to this event I had to use the spare although it may be hard to believe but I forgot to put it back!  (lol at the hard to believe)  As I stood there in the pouring rain I thought great what the heck now??!!  After a good 15 minutes I decided to go the evil route and tell Bentley if he didn't let Mommy in the monsters where going to get him.(scare tactics where my only other option) Well as mean as you may all think I am he decided right away that he did not want an encounter with "the monsters" so he unlocked the door!  Yes yet again another "Mother of the Year" for me!

5.  NEVER forget to be the "Tooth Fairy."
Just another regular night at the Erhart household!  Tayten decided to be brave and let Mommy pull out his tooth that's been hanging on by a thread for the last  2 months!  Right out that sucker came!  He cried of relief that it was over and he always has this surprised look on his face because I think he expects it to hurt so bad and the truth of the matter is that it was so loose it hurt more while it was hanging there then when I pulled it out!  He so proudly puts it under his pillow before we say our prayers and then its off to dreamland!  Then of course it's my job (yes I said mine because if mommy doesn't do it no one will) to remember to snag that tooth and slip some money under his pillow!  What kind a mother would i be if he woke up with the tooth and no money?  Well the morning was followed with tears and a baggy with the tooth still there!!  Immediately I grabbed a dollar and ran to his room.  I asked him if he checked real good and I lifted his pillow and showed him the dollar!  Smooth move Momma!  I then explained to him that sometimes if the tooth is yellow and not brushed everyday the fairy wont always take the tooth!  Guess who brushes his teeth everyday without a fight!  Close call however..close call!

4.  Pick your battles!
If they want to wearing spider man jammies all day maybe let it slide. After all it's not worth the battle it clothes!  Bentley picks out his clothes everyday except Sunday.  This was especially hard for me because I like them to dress a certain way.  Bentley never matches and he is in either his green, gray, or blue sweat pants with usually the same un-matching tee shirts!  So he looks like a homeless child....but he is a happy looking homeless child!!!

3.  ALWAYS kiss them goodnight!!

2.  ALWAYS embrace the season your in!
Having an almost 7 yr. old, a toddler (2), and a baby (9 months) they are always amazing me with the different stages..  Watching my oldest transition into school now makes me realize how fast that went.  Soon my little tikes will be going off on the school bus as well!  God has blessed us Moms with seasons, lets embrace them as they change!

1.  The Grand Finale!  ALWAYS get a sitter when its time for your annual OBGYN appointment!
Well here it goes if your ready!  It was that time freshly after Bentley was born to get my lady parts checked out!  I had decided the day before to bring the boys with.  I figured Bentley would sleep (aww newborns) and Tayten could play his DS.  My idea went from bad to worse as my doc came into the room and told me to put my legs up and relax.  I started to get hot and sweaty. You know like the hot and sweaty you experience while your kid is having a full body meltdown while at Target when your hands are full and you then have to drag your child across the floor as they kick and scream as strangers stare at you!  You know they are thinking to themselves control your child woman!  Anyway thats the hot and sweat I had. I prayed briefly he would not get distracted and he would stay over in the chair playing his ninetendo ds!  Nope he had another idea while I was lying there helplessly as Dr. put in the metal insert.  My 4 year old (at the time) was front and center to my child bearing parts....gross!  As if you don't feel violated enough already! As we left the doctors office he never said anything so I was hoping he would just forgot about it and no questions would come up.  We got home and a friend came over for some coffee.  As we were chatting Tayten comes over and looks at me with this confused look and he says, "Mommy why did the Doctor put a gun in your butt?"  After a huge laugh till ya cry he walked away!  I still have no answers to that one!!!

    Here is a couple pictures with some bunnies my girlfriend Nancy brought over!  Thanks to her the kids were VERY entertained and we got some cute Easter pictures!  XOXO!  Gob Bless!