Emma and Bentley! Those tires will never go flat! lol
So this morning (Sunday) (just in case I post this on Monday) Jade, I, and the kiddos where off too church! Early service starts at 9:00 and trust me are family of 5 NEVER makes early service! We have been to it 2 times in the last 3 years! Well needless to say we were scrambling to get in the van by 8:45...Jade and and Danielle where loading up the kiddos while I was still attempting to throw my wet hair in a braid and brush my teeth (yes I have run out the door in such a hurry on Sunday I have forgotten to brush my teeth...I know gross right?!) Anyway finally we were all loaded in and on our way! I am not trying to get off track of the subject but I have to interject for just a minute....why is it that everyday of the week we are up and adam and ready before the butt crack of dawn but on Sunday mornings we cannot get out the door even when its the 2nd service which doesn't even start until 11:00! It is probably a riot to watch us trying to get out the door in the morning! A series of events usually takes place! It starts off with Bentley our 2 year old crying because he hates what we made him wear (its not his typical sweat pants and random, un-matching tee shirt) and then Miss Harper is usually crying hysterically because its well past her usual morning nap. Finally there is Mr. Tayten who is still trying to memorize his verse on the morning of! I always tell him we should really work on doing this days before Tayten not the morning of Sunday School. Then there is me...I swear I go to church with a wet head 8 out of 10 times in a braid of course to hide the fact I had no time to do anything with it and I am always brushing my teeth while Jade is waiting patiently in the van an extra 15 minutes for me! Thank the Lord for my husband! As much as he drives me bananas sometimes WOW he is an incredible man most the time! Okay anyway so we are in the car driving on 35W and all of a sudden I felt the wheel pop! Seriously on the one Sunday we are almost making early service! As we pulled over and I glanced at the clock I realized there was no chance of 1st service! Not today Erhart's... nice try however! We had never had this happen before in our van so Jade had no clue what he was doing and he had no idea where the spare tire was even located. After an hour of "changing the tire" it was finally on! Seriously an hour! Not to mention the fact that Jade had the jack holding up the van as he lay underneath trying to twist the spare tire out and seconds after he sat up the jack collapsed! That just confirmed my idea of just calling someone to do it! Jade is the typical "do it yourself" kinda guy but I would have been one angry wife IF that jack would have given out 2 seconds earlier...but it didn't and we got the spare on the van! By the time we got to church it had already felt like a "long day" but we made it and the enemy almost won that battle but he didn't! Growing up I always remember the "Sunday scramble"! I wonder if other families go through this exact routine on Sunday mornings or is this just my crazy family?! Well either way it makes it all more memorable! Love and Blessings!
I totally get the Sunday Scramble!!!!